Rodeo abounds in the November issue of Western Horseman. “Winning the Crowd,” by Editor in Chief Ross Hecox shines a spotlight on Reno Rodeo and its 100th anniversary. Hecox also wrote “Oh, Sister!” about the remarkable team of Nellie Miller and her family-raised, ranch mare Sister and their journey to the National Finals Rodeo in barrel racing. The rodeo theme continues in “Bucking Horse Blood,” by Senior Editor Jennifer Denison, about bucking horse registries and efforts to boost breeding integrity and value. “More than Medicine” is a story about the Justin Sportsmedicine Team and their efforts to keep cowboys safe and healthy. Spend a day in the life of an official NFR veterinarian in “NFR On Call.” And the article “Miles of Style” highlights two ranch bronc riders keeping it old-school by traveling in a classic Lincoln Town Car.
Other features include a profile on master bitmaker Greg Darnall in “Hands of Horseman,” by Managing Editor Susan Morrison, plus our annual Christmas gift guide, which offers timeless gift ideas for any horseman or -woman.
And of course, expect the same great articles such as Women of the West and Baxter Black.
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